Photos That Show Portland In The Early 20th Century

Waterfront - foot of Yamhill and Salmon Sts., 1914.

 The Heilig theatre, 1912.
 Children (near political signs) in front of the Portland and OK coffee houses, circa 1900
 Wagons and businesses along Front Avenue, 1910.
 Sixth street, looking North, 1912.
 First traffic signal in Portland SW 3rd Ave and Morrison St., 1915.
 Broadway in the late 1910s
 S.W. 5th and Morrison Street, 1912.
 S.E. Morrison & Water, 1915.
 S.W. 3rd Ave & Washington, 1905.
 S.W. 3rd avenue, looking North from Morrison, 1910.
Ramapo Hotel at 1337 S.W. Washington street, 1918.